Thursday, May 12, 2011

long overdue...

i've been meaning to get on and post again the last few days but i spent my weekend with the worst cold i've had in a long time...and i'm finally starting to feel better now...

needless to say, being sick messed up my plans for last weekend...i had planned to go to central park, do a little shopping at some good shopping destinations, etc...while i didn't feel up to that, i did venture out to the nearest movie theater to see 'something borrowed'...i have been reading the book for a few weeks now and finally finished it last perfect timing to go see the movie...

while the book ended up being much better than the movie in my opinion, the movie was still cute...and filmed in NYC of course!....let me tell's definitely surreal to be sitting in a theater in NYC watching a movie filmed there!...i always thought it was cool when i would see cincinnati in a film or on tv but it felt even cooler to see my new home on the big screen :)

so now that it's nearing the weekend once again, i might try to stick with some of my original plans...need to find some good walking shoes for the commute and if the weather is nice, i want to spend some time walking around in central park...and i'm sure i can come up with other things to do as well...

got any suggestions for me? :)

oh and last week i did my first online grocery order, delivered right to my cool is that?!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun adventure :) I can't believe that about the groceries being delivered right to your door, that's really cool!!
